Log 3u: I think I have Asteroids.

What’s cuter than a cantankerous, sassy, pregnant woman with big green eyes in a minidress? If you ask Dia, nothin’.  Dancing with, dating, kissing, and touching his pregnant wife are almost all he’s been wanting to do lately.

Gotta admit, she's pretty sexy. ;D
Gotta admit, prego flirty pose is pretty sexy. ;D

He has also been reading up on all the latest child-rearing techniques, of course.

Dia: "Do you think we should redecorate the nursery? It says here that infants respond more to high contrast and bold colors."
Dia: “Do you think we should redecorate the nursery? It says here that infants respond more to high contrast and bold colors.”

It’s usually best just to let him do what he’s gonna do so he can go on to the next thing. Because he will obsess about it otherwise.

Well, that's definitely more contrast.
Well, that’s definitely more colorful.

I guess that qualifies as nesting? 🙂 Coop isn’t doing much of it, so it’s probably good that someone is.

Coop is, for the most part, having an easy pregnancy. She’s uncomfortable more often than I remember Estrella being, but maybe that’s just because Coop is more likely to let me know she’s uncomfortable, lol.

Sometimes Coop is less glowy-pregnant and more punchy-pregnant. I like to imagine it’s because she’s trying to balance the ghosts of her childhood with her hopes for the future. For those who have had less than storybook relationships with their own parents, the idea of becoming a parent yourself can be downright horrifying. You worry about your genetics and your ability to overcome them. So many odds stacked against you before you even start, and you sure as hell don’t want your child to go through what you went through.


Clem has grown even more fond and protective of Coop. Now that she’s carrying his grandchild, he spends a lot of time making her snacks and talking to her belly. ❤

Clem: "I used to make that same chili recipe for Estrella when she was pregnant with Dia."
Clem: “I used to make that same chili recipe for Estrella when she was pregnant with Dia.”
Clem: "Strong kick! This one's gonna be a fighter!"
Clem: “Strong kick! This one’s gonna be a fighter!”

With the birth of this child, barring any relationship malfunctions between Dia and Clem, we will finally be able to herald in the new generation and formally shift to Log 4. That part is really exciting!

Dia’s excited too!

Yo, aren't you forgetting something? ;D
Yo, aren’t you forgetting something? ;D

That’s a very specific kind of excited, there, haha. It looks like we’re really doing this – now! See you on the flip side! ;D

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